Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cooperative Learning

Not sure what cooperative learning is? Here is a great overview to get you started with this method that is integral to social learning, creativity, and student self-confidence.

The teams-games-tournament (TGT) is a popular way to incorporate this method in your classroom. Here is a step-by-step approach to TGT.

Student Teams Achievement Divison (STAD) is another great way to use cooperative learning. Here is a review on how this method improved student attitude and creativity.

Cooperative learning is great for creative learning because it allows students to take an active role in the way they discover information. Further, because of the social interactions that take place within cooperative learning groups, students are exposed to diverse perspectives that may challenge their own line of thinking, thus opening them up to broader points of view. When students learn to think outside of the box, they learn how to think creatively, thereby becoming better problem solvers. -Christopher Landauer

The model also allows teachers to be creative is setting up the groups or teams. And it gives teams the chance to use their creative resources collectively to meet the requirements of the lesson. Also, it can easily be blended with other models, which, with enough creativity on the part of the teacher, can result in some compelling lessons for students. -Jacob Clark

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